Thursday, October 26, 2006

Weekend plans

Ahh halloween...time for hay rides, trick-or-treating, and wienie roasts....which I think is what hubby and I are doing this weekend....We were invited to a wienie roast at one of our friends houses...our friend does this every year the weekend before Halloween....the last time we went 2 years ago I got so stinkin drunk, in fact that was the last time I was drunk....Oh hubby and I have drank a little in the last 2 years but that was the last time I was really drunk...if I'm not mistaken I ended the night by barfing on my shoes....gross....anyway I think I am ready to tie on a good one again.....We will be kid free this weekend so why not....after working all of this overtime I feel like I deserve it....the only thing is I know if I do get drunk it will take me at least 2 days to recouperate from it....I am such a light weight.....When hubby and I went to the beach with my birth mother my oldest brother got me this stuff called's kind of like Red Bull mixed with beer without the beer tastes more like Red anyway you get drunk without getting sleepy....I am kind of excited....I am ready to hang out with someone besides my family for a change....should be fun, I will post with all the juicy details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright.. I love a good party..Can't wait to hear alll about it.. : )

6:19 PM  

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