Monday, October 16, 2006

Awsome dad, stupid sister

Well my birth father made it in this weekend for a sister of course pissed me off as arrived Friday afternoon at about 2:30...he came on out to our house as soon as he got into town and he brought his new bike with him. He and my hubby took them out for a short ride to town and back with the kids...I made homemade chicken and noodles and we visited until about 8:00...After he left I called my sister to make sure she was going to come down on Saturday and to ask her to bring back the pictures of our birth mother that she had. Stupid ass she is, she says to me "I didn't think they wanted those back"....fuckin liar, she knew that they wanted them back. But what really pissed me off was after i talked to her Friday night she calls back and leaves a message on my cell phone that says "Oh by the way, If you are going to be smoking in the house I am not staying, I will only stay for an hour or two if you all are smoking because I am not going to put my baby at risk being in that smoky house"..............Okay, first off, It's my fucking house. Second, Hello I smoked when I was pregnant, not second hand smoke, first I'm am not condoning it, I am just saying that your baby is not going to be fuckin retarded by you the mother breathing in a little second hand smoke.....not to mention my sister fucked up while she was there and said that she had gone to a keroke bar a couple weeks ago....correct me if I am wrong but they smoke in those do they not? I think it was just her way of trying to monopolize the situation, which if she wasn't so stupid might work....she even thinks that she can't eat ANY fish, including tuna while she is pregnant, if tuna is so bad then why do they give it to you when you are on WIC.... she had also told me that she had some kind of lactating class on Saturday so she was planning on being there at about 1:00, well when I talked to her Friday night she tells me that her class was not until next week but she was going to sleep in on Saturday so she still would not be there until 1:00.....must be nice....I would have liked to sleep in too.....or maybe had a little bit of fuckin help cooking dinner Saturday.....She showed up right at 1:00, just in time to eat dinner and then after we finished eating she went in on the couch and took a fuckin nap.....I swallowed my tongue and did not smoke in MY house while she was there and thank god she finally left at about 7:00 and she did not come back on Sunday....She is so fuckin selfish....I can't wait until she has this kid....Man I hope it gives her hell, she deserves it.....Anyway, Sunday morning we asked dad and his wife to come for breakfast since they were going to have to leave at around noon to head back home....we ate breakfast and sat and visited until it was time for them to leave.....we said our goodbyes and after they left I went in the house to clean up after our breakfast.....underneath my father's plate was $400......He knew hubby and I are both driving on expired tags....and he also knew that I would not ask for help.....I love my dad.....So my friends this morning as soon as I get off work I am paying my personal property taxes and getting my cars liscensed....yeah!!!!......Thank you dad!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope her kid has reflux and colic.. That'll teach her.. : )

8:09 AM  
Blogger blacksheep said...

I forgot to mention that the reason she did not come back on Sunday was because she had plans for the Chiefs game....hello, it was a 3:00 game, our father left at noon which would have given her at least 3 hours to get back for her "plans".....and yes, I am also sincerely hoping that her kid has crying fits at all times of the night, I can't wait to see my sister aka the Princess with big huge dark circles under her eyes and that unknown patch of spit-up on her shirt..

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh the smell of baby barf... I will never get that out of my mind.. Or my shirt for that matter!

7:27 AM  

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