Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Crappy week

  1. Hubby decided to wash his car's motor, good thing right.......No, he fouled out one of the coils on the spark plug...Estimated repair $120...freakin great
  2. I have been having problems with my pee tank(bladder), so had to go to the hospital this morning (for 3 freakin hrs.) to experience the joy of having a scope inserted in my urethra...What fun...Now my freakin crotch hurts
  3. I was also told that I get to take antibiotics immediately before sex and 8 hrs after...How's that for spontaneity...Oh, hang on hubby I got to go take my pill
  4. Dr. Also pleasantly informed me that I need an x-ray of my kidney on Thursday, no problem right......fuck no, it seems to prep for this x-ray I will have to go get one of those Fleet kits...You know the one's that make you shit yourself to death the night before you go........Super
  5. 10 yr old got in trouble on bus for bullying her neighbor.......1st warning, she does it again, she's kicked off for 3 days....My precious little brat

So it seems my friends that my crappy week is only going to get shittier!


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