Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My birthmother

My birth mother is no good....I called her last weekend to visit and in the course of our conversation she tells me "you're going to kill me but I was actually in town last weekend"......huh?.......What do you mean you were in town last weekend, I say........she then tells me "yeah, I actually got in to K.C.I. airport at around 11p.m. Friday night and then drove to Grandma's (her mom's) and stayed until Sunday morning and then flew back you think she told me or sis that she was coming in.......hell no.........and here my sister just had a baby, her first, on Christmas eve.................stupid, selfish bitch........she could have at least called and said that she was in town and we would have drove the hour and a half to Grandma's house to meet her for lunch or something......but did she........No........she just slipped in and out of town like a thief in the night..........and to think, we share the same D.N.A.......I think she thinks that since she gave us up (or if you listen to our birth father, we were taken away from her, which is probably what really happened) that she is now off the hook......I would give anything to have the family court judge open our adoption records so we could see for ourselves what really happened.... I think I will look into that.....hell, we already know who and where our birth parents I don't see what the problem would be......Yes, I am going to see what I can do.....but first let me repeat.........Stupid, selfish, cold-hearted bitch!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my friend. It's time for you to regard your own happiness and sanity with a little bit more protection. Someone who does what your "mother" did, the whole "thief in the night routine," do it to raise drama. I haven't read enough of your blogging to know if you've got kids or not, but it's time to shield yourself (and them) from this type of abuse.

3:04 PM  
Blogger blacksheep said...

hello sister...I know that what you are saying is right, I wondered what her reason was for even telling me she was in town...I think my entire birth family with the exception of our father thrives on drama of one sort or another...not to mention I am really starting to believe my birth mother is a habitual liar...she is not a good person for me to be around...I think there is a part of me though that does not want to let her forget that she had 2 other children even if it makes me feel like shit....sick isn't it..

2:28 AM  

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