Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Even the black sheep are blessed

Things are finally looking up....allow me to explain hubby was, until recently, self employed....well....his business all but closed down so, as I previously stated, we were and are extremely broke.....anyway, hubby finally found a job and he started it yesterday. He was hired on as a temp but, at the end of the day yesterday his boss came and offered him a full time position and told the rest of the temps that they did not need them anymore. Hubby was the only one they kept. Thank God!
Trying to support a family of 4 on one income (mine) just does not work. ..I think the man upstairs must have know that I was near my breaking point. ...All I keep thinking is xmas is just around the corner, not to mention the stack of bills we now have.....I am such a worry wort.....anyway I think things are going to be okay... at least on that end.....I guess time will tell........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job.. Should lighten your load a little bit.. : )

7:32 AM  
Blogger blacksheep said...

ohh, you have no idea. Last week bill collector showed up and we all hid in the more of that. And maybe I can start to answer my home phone again..ohh jeez, you have to just laugh, what else can you do

1:34 PM  

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